Sep 25

SlashedCloud Tech Stack and Architecture

In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve deep into the tech stack and architecture behind our Cloud-based SaaS, highlighting the key components and technologies used to bring it to life.

SlashedCloud Tech Stack and Architecture

In today's digital age, Software as a Service (SaaS) has become the go-to solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations and provide efficient services to their customers. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve deep into the tech stack and architecture behind a SaaS application, highlighting the key components and technologies used to bring it to life.


Building a SaaS application requires meticulous planning and a well-thought-out tech stack that encompasses various aspects of software development. These aspects include front-end development, back-end infrastructure, database management, and cloud services. We'll explore each of these components in detail and discuss how they work harmoniously to create a robust and scalable SaaS platform.

Front-End: SvelteKit (with TypeScript)


The front-end of your SaaS application is the face that users interact with. It plays a pivotal role in providing a seamless and responsive user experience. In this project, Svelte with TypeScript was chosen as the front-end framework, and here's why:

  • Performance: Svelte is known for its outstanding performance. It compiles components into highly efficient JavaScript code, resulting in faster load times and smoother interactions. This means your SaaS application will feel snappy and responsive, even on slower network connections.

  • Type Safety: TypeScript adds a layer of type safety to JavaScript, reducing runtime errors and making your codebase more maintainable. As your application scales, TypeScript's benefits become more apparent, making it easier to catch bugs and refactor code.

Svelte's component-based architecture simplifies UI development, making it an excellent choice for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces. The framework encourages reusability and modularity, which can significantly speed up development and reduce the risk of bugs.

Back-End: Node.js and Prisma ORM

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The back-end of your SaaS application is where the magic happens. It's responsible for processing requests, managing data, and orchestrating the core functionality of your product. In this project, Node.js and Prisma ORM were chosen for their robustness and scalability:

  • Node.js: Node.js is renowned for its speed and flexibility. It's a server-side JavaScript runtime that allows you to build efficient and event-driven applications. Its non-blocking I/O model makes it suitable for handling a large number of concurrent connections, which is crucial for SaaS applications that may experience spikes in user activity.

  • Prisma ORM: Database management is a critical part of any back-end. Prisma ORM simplifies this process by providing a type-safe query builder and schema migration tools. It supports various databases, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite, making it easy to adapt to your specific data storage needs. With Prisma, you can maintain a clean and organized database schema, and you can easily evolve it as your application grows.

Together, Node.js and Prisma provide a robust foundation for handling data and business logic efficiently. Node.js, with its large ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, allows you to build RESTful APIs, GraphQL endpoints, or WebSocket servers with ease, while Prisma ensures that your interactions with the database are both secure and performant.

Cloud Infrastructure: AWS (Amazon Web Services)


Cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) have revolutionized the way applications are deployed and scaled. AWS offers a plethora of services to support the infrastructure needs of your SaaS application:

  • Compute: AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances can host your application's backend, while AWS Lambda functions can be used for serverless tasks. These services allow you to dynamically allocate resources as needed, ensuring that your application can handle varying workloads without over-provisioning.

  • Database: When it comes to databases, AWS provides multiple options. Amazon RDS offers managed database services for relational databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL, while Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database option. Depending on your data model and scaling requirements, you can choose the database service that best fits your needs.

  • Storage: AWS offers a variety of storage services to accommodate different use cases. Amazon S3 is a highly scalable object storage service that's ideal for storing user-uploaded files and assets. Amazon EBS provides block storage for EC2 instances, and Amazon EFS offers scalable file storage for applications that require shared file systems.

  • Networking: With Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you can create isolated network environments to enhance security and control over your resources. AWS CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN) service, ensures that your users around the world can access your application quickly and reliably by caching content closer to them.

  • Security: Security is a top priority in any SaaS application. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows you to manage user access to AWS resources securely. Additionally, AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) provides protection against web application attacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

  • Scalability: AWS offers tools like Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing to automatically adjust the number of resources available to your application based on demand. This elasticity ensures that your SaaS application can scale up or down to handle traffic spikes or lulls without manual intervention.

AWS's flexibility allows you to adapt your infrastructure as your SaaS application grows, ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and optimal performance. Furthermore, AWS provides a wide range of monitoring and management tools, such as Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Management Console, to help you keep your application running smoothly.

Content Delivery and Security: Cloudflare and CloudFront


Delivering your SaaS application's content efficiently and securely is paramount to providing a great user experience. To achieve this, you can leverage the capabilities of Cloudflare and Amazon CloudFront:

  • Cloudflare: Cloudflare is a globally distributed content delivery network (CDN) that acts as a reverse proxy between your origin server (where your application is hosted) and the end user. It accelerates content delivery by caching static assets at its edge servers. This caching mechanism reduces the load on your origin server and speeds up content delivery to users, resulting in lower latency and faster page load times.

    Additionally, Cloudflare offers security features, including DDoS protection, web application firewall (WAF), and SSL/TLS encryption. These features safeguard your application from malicious traffic and ensure that sensitive data transmitted between your users and your servers is encrypted and secure.

  • CloudFront: Amazon CloudFront is a highly scalable and globally distributed CDN service provided by AWS. It seamlessly integrates with AWS services and allows you to distribute your application's content to users around the world with low latency. By using CloudFront, you can reduce the round-trip time for content retrieval, resulting in a faster and more responsive user experience.

Together, Cloudflare and CloudFront form a robust content delivery and security strategy that ensures your SaaS application is both fast and secure, regardless of your users' locations. These services act as a shield against various online threats while optimizing content delivery to enhance user satisfaction.

Virtualization and Containerization: Proxmox


Virtualization and containerization technologies are fundamental for efficiently managing and scaling your SaaS application's infrastructure. Proxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE) is an open-source platform that combines two powerful virtualization technologies: KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) for full virtualization and LXC (Linux Containers) for lightweight containerization. Here's how Proxmox enhances your SaaS infrastructure:

  • Resource Efficiency: Proxmox VE leverages KVM for full virtualization, allowing you to run multiple virtual machines (VMs) with dedicated resources. This approach ensures that each VM has its own isolated environment and a guaranteed share of CPU, memory, and storage resources. As a result, you can host various components of your SaaS application in separate VMs, ensuring resource isolation and stability.

  • Isolation: In addition to VMs, Proxmox VE supports LXC containers, which offer process and filesystem isolation. Containers are lightweight and share the same kernel as the host system, making them an excellent choice for running applications in a more resource-efficient manner. You can use containers to isolate components of your SaaS application, providing a higher level of security and minimizing resource overhead.

  • Management: Proxmox VE provides a user-friendly web-based management interface that simplifies the creation, configuration, and monitoring of virtual machines and containers. This interface streamlines the management of your SaaS infrastructure, allowing you to perform tasks such as provisioning new VMs or containers, adjusting resource allocations, and monitoring performance with ease.

  • High Availability: To ensure the availability of your SaaS application, Proxmox VE supports clustering. By creating a cluster of Proxmox nodes, you can achieve high availability and fault tolerance. If one node experiences a hardware failure or becomes unreachable, the remaining nodes can seamlessly take over, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuous service availability to your users.

Proxmox VE's combination of KVM virtualization and LXC containers provides you with the flexibility to choose the most suitable approach for each component of your SaaS application. Whether you need the isolation and resource guarantees of VMs or the efficiency and speed of containers, Proxmox VE offers the tools to accommodate your requirements.


Building a SaaS application is a complex yet rewarding endeavor. It requires careful planning, thoughtful technology selection, and a deep understanding of the components that make up the tech stack. In this extensive blog post, we've explored the critical components of a SaaS tech stack, including front-end development with Svelte and TypeScript, back-end using Node.js and Prisma ORM, cloud infrastructure on AWS, content delivery and security with Cloudflare and CloudFront, and virtualization and containerization with Proxmox.

Each of these elements plays a vital role in the success of your SaaS application. They ensure that your application is performant, secure, and capable of handling the demands of your users. As you continue to develop and grow your SaaS platform, staying up to date with the latest advancements in these technologies will be key to maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

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